Diego Molina

Diego is a Software Engineer who is fascinated by testing. He is a Selenium core committer, the co-maintainer of the official docker-selenium images, as well as the original docker-selenium project. He is also the co-creator Zalenium. Diego loves enabling testers by creating helpful testing tools and infrastructure and through versatile Selenium trainings and workshops.

He can often be spotted speaking at Selenium/Appium/Testing conferences and most of the times you can find him on IRC or the Slack Selenium channel. Currently, he works at Sauce Labs as a Senior Software Engineer.

Speaker Details:

Diego Molina – Senior Software Engineer, Sauce Labs
Twitter: @DiegoFMolina
LinkedIn: Diego Molina
Website: diemol.com
Past Events: SeleniumConf (Austin, Berlin, Bangalore, Chicago), SauceCon

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