
This track includes topics related to test automation architecture, continuous integration, agile automation, and what other tasks you need to perform after you have designed your framework and scripted your test cases.

Workshop: Test Automation with Postman

Listen to “Postman Automation Workshoppin with Joyce Lin” on Spreaker. Millions of people use tools like Postman to test their APIs every day. Some testers will use Postman to focus on frontend testing, backend testing, or anything in between. Some use Postman mock servers to isolate testing scenarios. Many testing roles require a minimum of […]

Workshop: Intro To Automated Visual Validation

Functional test automation is a wonderful way to frequently and expeditiously execute regression testing. However, the test scripts that we write are limited to the few assertions we’ve considered. Many times, these assertions only cover the tip of the iceberg and account for a small fraction of what a human being would have subconsciously verified. […]

Keynote: Blunders in Test Automation

In chess, the word blunder means a very bad move by someone who should know better. Even though system-level functional test automation has been around for a long time, people still make some very bad moves and serious blunders. The most common misconception in automation is thinking that manual testing is the same as automated […]