
Workshop: Maximizing Testing Outcomes

In this unique Masterclass you will be exploring the impact of your personal thinking and your values in testing complex software, communicating results, and driving change. Software cannot be tested to be right or wrong. Yet, we are challenged to deliver test results as absolute, objective truths. In the class, we will work with the […]

Workshop: Breaking Web Applications

Programming just like testing is just as much science as it is an art. There are components in a program like – Clients, servers, state, user inputs. Most coding part has some rules and most popular technologies also have user communities that lay down the “best practices” for coding in them. The fun to test […]

Workshop: Conquer Testing with a Risk Analysis Strategy Workshop

The scope and complexities of software testing are increasing significantly as new technologies emerge, applications become more advanced, and users become more astute! The quantity of test conditions and test cases can make the process of testing overwhelming, especially when factoring in aggressive deadlines and a lack of resources. Utilizing a strategic risk-based analysis approach […]

Workshop: The Big Deal on Modern Test Plans

Test plans have a bad reputation. There’s no beating around the bush. And perhaps they are deserving of a bad reputation. But software development has changed. We are Agile now! Test plans need to change as well. Do we need them at all? Perhaps not. If you do need a test plan, it needs to […]

Workshop: The Web Performance Workshop

“Make fewer calls.” It’s one of the first suggestions for #webperf engineering and web design. “If you want your application to go fast, you should first try to make fewer requests.” Oh cool! So, you can go fast by doing less … and less … and less? Until you reach point where the application is […]

Workshop: Test Architects at Siemens

At Siemens we have invented and defined a new key role Test Architect to meet the diverse challenges of shorter time-to-market, increasing complexity and more agility while keeping quality and other key system properties high. In the real world our test systems increase in size, volume, flexibility, velocity, complexity and unpredictability: think about testing of […]

Workshop: Implementing Efficiencies within your SDLC

Imagine if you could add more time to your delivery schedule, where would you spend it? Although we can’t add more hours to our day, we can find time by discovering inefficiencies in our current SDLC management approach. Many of us feel like there is never enough time to complete everything we wanted in a […]